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FAQs About Kiran Garimella 2016-02-24 14:06:05 145 0

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(Or at least you wish you'd asked!)

In the responses below, we cover some terms about the business model. The specific terms and conditions will be definitively stated in a separate document when the business model is activated soon.
1. What is iKnowCentral?
     iKnowCentral is a free repository of curated knowledge.
2. Is it free?
  iKnowCentral is free to visitors and contributors.
3. Is a sign up necessary?
  No, you can browse without sign up, but you will not be able to add or edit.
4. Can anyone rate the content?
  No, you have to sign up and log in if you want to rate the content or the comments.
5. Who can post comments?
  Only users who are logged in can post comments.
6. Is there a subscription fee?
  The site is free to use without signup or login. For registered users, you can freely add your own nodes, content, and links. Pricing for other services will be available once you sign up.
7. What's a curator?
  A curator is a person who collects, organizes, and presents in a structured way knowledge or artifacts while ensuring the validity, quality, and credibility of the knowledge.
8. Who makes a good curator?
  A person who has a passion for collecting and organizing knowledge in a particular topic.
9. Can I be a curator on iKnowCentral?
  Yes. You need to sign up and be logged in, though.
10. How can I tell if an author of content is a curator?
  A content author or owner can be an informal curator. The quality of their informational nodes and links as well as the structure of presentation of knowledge bestows credibility.

However, you can become a formal curator for a topic in iKnowCentral by paying a small fee. Curators also like to own their own iKnowCentral url (a name or a vanity url). Official curators will be included in iKnowCentral's curator directory along with their topic of curation.
11. What is an official iKnowCentral curator?
  A user who pays an annual curator's fee and is in good standing is an official iKnowCentral curator for a specific topic area.

Official iKnowCentral curators get to participate in revenue-sharing. The revenue can come from various channels that result from their own curated content, such as named urls, topical urls, ads, and company sponsorships.

Official curators will be included in iKnowCentral's curator directory along with their topic(s) of curation.
12. Is there any benefit to becoming a curator now rather than later?
  Yes. By starting sooner, you get a first-mover advantage, as long you are diligent and can capitalize on it. You can create curated content earlier, share it earlier, and create a buzz for your curated topics. Also, ads will be displayed based on age of content, its popularity, and other factors (yet to be defined).

Another thing to note: When you share your content nodes on social media using the sharing feature, visitors who visit the site using your links will be deemed to be 'invited' visitors; they will be able to sign up. If they pay for value-added services, you will miss out on any revenue-sharing opportunities unless you are an official curator. The revenue-share plan is currently a work-in-progress.

So, if you are really serious and passionate about curating a topic, then you should definitely sign up now and become an official curator.
13. What is a named or "vanity" url?
  A named or "vanity" url is the iKnowCentral url which terminates in a name. The current format of a named url is ""; soon, we'll have a format such as "". The change will be backward compatible.
14. What are the benefits of a named or "vanity" url?
  A named url gives you immediate recognition and credibility as a professional. It shows you are serious about the reputation of your brand. How many people are there with the same first and last name as yours? You should reserve and lock-in your own named url. Remember also that you can use iKnowCentral as your digital brand hub. For an example, see the profile of Kiran Garimella. Kiran's external named url is "".
15. What does a named url cost?
  All pricing details will be available once you sign up and log in.
16. What is the iKnowCentral launch event?
  Read all about it here.
17. How to use and navigate the site?
  Please see the instructions/help here.
18. I don't see a signup button or link. How do I sign up?
  Sign up is by invitation only or through a posted link. If you don't have an invitation or a posted link, send an email to

Have a question that doesn't have an answer here? Send email to
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