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Principles of Analysis Data Analytics Kiran Garimella 2015-12-07 21:32:23 11 0

From Edward Tufte, Principles, from his book, Beautiful Evidence (2006):

  1. Show comparison (what is the control or status quo?)
  2. Show causality, mechanism, explanation (not necessarily a formal causation, but a plausible explanation)
  3. Show multivariate data (the real world is complexand multi-dimensional, so don't create a flatland)
  4. Integrate multiple modes of evidence (let the various pieces of evidence support each other)
  5. Describe and document the evidence (tell a story)
  6. Content is kind (the story must be relevant and compelling)

Kiran Garimella:

  1. Connect the results of analysis to relevant 'entities' in the rest of the 'corporate ecosystem'.
  2. Motivate action - identify and offer actionable alternatives, enable a discussion of pros, cons, and risks
  3. Provide a process and mechanism to monitor actions
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