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Curations iKnowCentral Kiran Garimella 2016-03-11 11:33:58 487 0

Welcome to the Gateway to Curated Topics!

What is curation? It is the art of collecting, organizing, and presenting a collection while ensuring the validity and credibility of the underlying artifacts (whether that's knowledge, art work, or bone china).

You see, the main challenge in knowledge management is that credible knowledge about any topic exists in many repositories, in many forms, and in many web pages. The creators are many. The quality of the content is questionable. The recency (freshness) of the material is in doubt (many online articles don't include a creation date or last updated time). The content is also fragmented, leaving it to the reader to organize the content - or as more often the case, not organize it at all. Even if the reader makes the effort to organize the material, new content and changes to existing content require continual updating.

Enter iKnowCentral! iKnowCentral is an AI-based knowledge curation platform that allows a curator to create flexible taxonomies, create content natively within the platform or link to existing content, and present the knowledge with various points of view. The curator takes on the responsibility for curating the topic area. Access to the site is free. For a very small fee, you can become a curator: you can create your own nodes and links to existing material - perhaps a subset of nodes in a given topic, or a collection of nodes in one or more topics. As a curator, you also get to participate in downstream revenue sharing (details TBD).

(Interested in becoming a curator? Information is at the bottom.)

Think of iKnowCentral as a cross between Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Brittanica and a personal digital library and brand hub.
Capability Wikipedia Encyclopedia Brittanica iKnowCentral
Authoring Crowdsourced Paid Scholars Open Curators
Navigation Hyperlinked, old-style Hyperlinked, categorized, old-style Visual, tree & graph based, flexible taxonomies, AI-based
Presentation Fixed Fixed Flexible, different perspectives, dynamic
Content Governance Crowdsourced Scholar-led Curator-led (can be a scholar)
Social Collaboration Limited (content authoring only) Very limited Groups, content-authoring privileges set by curator, ratings, comments, flexible link-sharing
Price Free Paid Free to readers, tiered cost for individual curators, non-profit groups, associations, & companies.
Curated nodes will be specially designated and appear first during search.
Want to become a curator?

Curatorships are now OPEN! This is an emergent opportunity to create your own visual, AI-based curated knowledge node, and even share in revenue through various channels (the design of the revenue model is in progress, but early curators will be locked into the plan and receive the best terms).

Click here to explore a Curator membership.
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